
Worker engineering a laptop

Added value for infrastructure

Our engineering offers a digital future

Through our engineering, we offer you considerable added value by increasing the efficiency and security of your IT infrastructure:

Linux engineering offers security and stability

Secure Linux engineering is of central importance for companies. Linux operating systems are widely used and form the Backbone of many IT infrastructures.

The importance of secure engineering arises from the fact that companies store and process sensitive data, which is why Data security essential. Especially with regard to the new Swiss Data Protection Act (DPA), personal data in particular must be well protected. This is because insecure systems can have vulnerabilities, which in turn can be exploited by cyber criminals and lead to data leaks. Such compromises can result in IT downtimes that hinder business operations and cause financial damage and loss of trust. Often Compliance requirements and regulatory requirements must be met in order to avoid penalties. That is why a Focus on safety important and it also improves a company's reputation and builds trust with customers and partners. Effective Linux engineering minimises financial losses due to cyber attacks and supports long-term stability.

In short, secure Linux engineering ensures the integrity of data, protects against cyber-attacks, fulfils regulatory requirements, strengthens reputation and minimises financial losses. This is crucial for organisations seeking robust and protected IT infrastructures.


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Rocky Linux: Stability and security for your network

Rocky Linux, a stable open source Linux distribution, offers your company:

  • Stability and reliabilityContinuous operation
  • SecurityRegular updates and protection against threats
  • Cost efficiency: No expensive licence fees
  • Customised solutionsCustomisation to your needs
  • Long-term supportSecurity through company support
  • ExpertiseComprehensive expertise for your requirements

Trust us to use Rocky Linux for your secure and cost-efficient IT infrastructure.

Our Rocky Linux engineering services include the design and implementation of Rocky Linux systems in technically demanding environments. We offer comprehensive engineering solutions that focus on security, reliability and performance optimisation. From configuration to integration, our staff will implement the technical standards to meet your IT infrastructure needs.

Our Rocky Linux hardening services are designed to improve the security of your Linux servers on a technical level. We perform system-wide security assessments and implement risk mitigation measures. This includes hardening system configurations, updating kernel and software components and implementing SELinux policies. We ensure that your Rocky Linux system complies with security standards.

Our Rocky Linux patching services offer a technically savvy approach to patch management. We identify security gaps and vulnerabilities in your Rocky Linux systems and develop patching strategies. Our staff will configure the entire patching process, from automated testing and deployment of updates to system upgrades. This ensures that your Rocky Linux systems are technically up-to-date and secure at all times and that downtimes are minimised.


Automation: increase efficiency, reduce effort

Automation with Ansible offers you:

  • EfficiencyTime and resource savings through automation of recurring tasks
  • ConsistencyReliable processes, improved control and reduced susceptibility to errors
  • ScalabilityFlexibility for growing requirements
  • SecurityStandardised, secure configurations and minimised vulnerabilities
  • Cost savingsReduced operating costs and faster deployment

With Ansible automation, we optimise your processes and increase the efficiency of your IT infrastructure.

Our Ansible automation services offer the opportunity to implement repeatable and scalable processes in your IT infrastructure. Ansible enables the automation of configuration management, deployment and task automation. With our support, you can create efficiency, minimise downtime and make optimum use of your resources.

Our Kubernetes orchestration services enable the management and scaling of container applications in Kubernetes clusters. We advise, design and implement customised Kubernetes strategies that ensure seamless deployment, scalability and high availability of your container applications.

Our automated cloud provisioning services provide an efficient way to manage resources in the cloud. We utilise proven best practices and tools to automate cloud deployments so you can build and scale your cloud infrastructure quickly, securely and consistently. This increases flexibility, lowers operating costs and increases security.


Proxy server: More security and privacy

Proxy servers are intermediaries between your computer and the Internet that offer numerous advantages:

  • Anonymity and privacyHide your IP address and protect your online privacy
  • SecurityAct like firewalls, block attacks and recognise suspicious activity
  • Geographical restrictionsEnable region-based access configurations
  • Network optimisationImprove traffic management and website load times
  • Content filteringFilter unwanted web content in schools and companies
  • Equalisation of burdensDistribute data traffic to servers to increase performance
  • CachingSave frequently requested content to reduce loading times
  • ScalabilityAdapt to the network requirements and are scalable

Proxy servers are versatile tools for more security, data protection and efficiency when surfing the Internet.

Our Nginx configuration and maintenance services include fine-tuning the Nginx server configuration to ensure optimal performance and security. We utilise load balancing methods, content caching and reverse proxying to improve the scalability and speed of your web applications. Our staff will configure and maintain your Nginx infrastructure to prevent outages and protect your web applications from potential attacks.

Our Apache server optimisation includes fine-tuning and adjusting the Apache configuration to boost server performance. We optimise parameters such as the number of concurrent connections, caching settings and request processing to ensure your Apache server is responsive and efficient. We also implement security policies and measures to minimise potential points of attack and protect your data.

Our Kemp proxy implementation includes the configuration of Kemp load balancers and other optimisations to evenly distribute the load on your servers. We also utilise advanced features such as SSL acceleration, Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) and Application Delivery Controller (ADC) to ensure high availability and improved performance of your applications. We also integrate security mechanisms such as the Web Application Firewall (WAF) and an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) to protect your applications from threats.
